Sustainawear's Summer School

Managing sustainability in a fashion and lifestyle company

June 28- July 16

Join Sustainawear's three-week summer school in weeks 26, 27 and 28, and learn to manage sustainability in a fashion and lifestyle company.

The course is designed to give you practical experience working with CSR and sustainability, and provide you with the necessary knowledge for working with sustainability management in a fashion and lifestyle company.

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Get practical experience with sustainability management

Create a real sustainability strategy

When the three weeks are over, you will have created a sustainability strategy for an existing and well renowned fashion company with real issues.

Do risk assessments

In the course of three weeks you will learn to do a risk assessment of a supplier, what constitutes a serious supplier issue and the 80/20 rule.


Learn how to efficiently and correctly map suppliers and fiber usage to lay the emipirical foundation for a sustainability strategy and traceable supply chain.

You can also look forward to learn about:

  • The international regulations and guidelines related to sustainability and CSR
  • The issues related to the supply chains in the fashion and lifestyle industry
  • The different business models and supply chains of the fashion and lifestyle industry
  • The different audits necessary for sustainable supply chain management in the fashion and lifestyle industry

Case company

To give you the best prerequisities for gaining real practical experience with sustainability manangement, we have teamed up with a large fashion company.

They will be serving as the case company for the three weeks.

The company will be announced on the first day of summer school.

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June 28 - July 2

Week 26

Introducing our case company and policies

Monday: Our case company in the context of the international guidelines and regulations

Wednesday: Our case company in the context of supply chain issues

Friday: The different policies needed for sustainable supply chain management, their function and content

July 5 - July 9

Week 27

Tools for managing a sustainable supply chain

Monday: Learn how to map suppliers and materials usage, and why it so important

Wednesday: Learn how to do a risk assessment of suppliers and why we need to do it

Friday: The different audits, their function and content

July 12 - July 16

Week 28

Creating a sustainability strategy

Monday: What should a sustainability touch upon and include?

Wednesday: Making a sustainability strategy for our case company

Friday: You present your sustainability strategies. Afterwards you receive your certificates and we celebrate with an online happy hour

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:

What does it cost?

The price for students is 1.500 DKK incl. tax. (200 EUR)

To get the discounted price, students must forward a verification of enrollment, such as a student-ID or an enrollment confirmation document.

The regular price for interested professionals is 3.000 DKK excl. tax. (400 EUR)

How much time will we be spending?

We will meet online two hours every monday, wednesday and friday. In between those meetings there will be videos to watch and assignments to do.

There will still be plenty of time to enjoy the summer - no worries!

Do I need to know something about CSR to join?

The course is tailored for people who has an interest in CSR and sustainability, but no preexisting knowledge is required.

You will however need to have some grasp of what a supplier, a supply chain and fashion and lifestyle company is. But on a very basic level.

What do I get out of it?

First of all, you get real, hands-on experience working with sustainability. 

Second, at completion of the course, you will receive a certificate you can attach to applications, show off on LinkedIn or show your boss. 

Still have some questions?

Thank you so much for reaching out! We will get back to you shortly!